Two for Tuesday MSFT vs AAPL

This weeks two stocks I would like to look deeper into are MSFT and AAPL.

Full disclaimer: We have owned shares in both companies since 2020.

While it is lacking, revenue growth for MSFT is slightly better than it is for AAPL over the last 3 years.

MSFT vs AAPL Revenue chart

The operating margin for MSFT is about 10% better than it is for AAPL, leading us to believe that MSFT might be slightly more efficient in extracting profit.

MSFT vs AAPL Operating Margin chart

AAPL certainly beats MSFT in Free Cash Flow by a large lead.

MSFT vs AAPL Free Cash Flow chart

Both companies can adequately pay off their debt, although MSFT has half the amount of debt compared to AAPL.

MSFT vs AAPL Debt chart
MSFT weekly chart
AAPL weekly chart

A 10k investment into both companies over the last 3 years would have yielded:

  • MSFT 60%

  • AAPL 116%

MSFT and AAPL Portfolio growth

As I mentioned, we own both companies and will continue to hold them as long as the market does not fall back into a volatile bearish trend (red bars) and breaks support zones.

Weekly S&P 500 chart below.

S&P 500 weeky chart

While AAPL has provided more growth, my preference for the long-term hold is probably slightly more with Microsoft based on growth potential and the risk of holding this stock in our own portfolio based on our holdings.
However, a fresh new line-up of products from Apple could change that and our portfolio weightings.


Let’s go trade!


Weekend Analysis


Market Report 12 2023